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Signing agreement with Afghanitan Government 1991
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about ATC

The principle objective of ATC is the elimination of mines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) through the removal, destruction or neutralization of all explosive devices

  •    To enable safe return of Afghan refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes and lands;
  •    To enable the resumption of normal economic activities;
  •     To provide an emergency response section to rescue persons trapped in minefields and other similar situations;
  •     To provide mine/ERW risk education to civilians in mine affected communities by volunteer members of demining teams and community-based MRE teams; and
  •     To operate with complete safety, as far as possible, for demining teams and maintain high levels of productivity and efficiency;

What ATC is offering.

Surveys and assessments
Risk Education
Land Release
Manual demining
Mechanical Demining
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)
To clear highly-impacted Communities from mines and UXO in an Effective and Efficient manner.
Afghanistan shall be a country free from the threat of landmines and unexploded ordnance, where individuals and communities live in a safe environment conducive to development and where mine victims are fully integrated into society.

ATC At a glance!

Clear Filters

The term “mine risk education” (MRE) refers to “activities which seek to reduce the risk of injury from mines and…

In 1993, ATC contracted a British Bomb Disposal specialist to help clear bombs and rockets scattered all over Kabul City….

On 1st September 1990, ATC deployed two Mechanical Flail machines in the Urgoon district of Paktika province and continued to…

Afghan Technical Consultants is the oldest implementing partner of the United Nations Mine Action Center for Afghanistan (UNMACA), and non-governmental organization (NGO) for humanitarian Mine/UXO clearance projects in Afghanistan.